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Downloadable PDF version of the Jersey Genetic Summary
December 2024
Jersey Genetic Summary
The Constitutional mission of the American Jersey Cattle Association is to "Improve and Promote the Jersey Breed" through making Jerseys
more profitable than owning any other breed of dairy cattle. Today's record breaking levels of Jersey production and owner satisfaction are, in large
part a function of the associations genetic programs, tools and reporting services.
To continue to improve the Jersey breed and work daily towards our mission we present the Jersey Genetic Summary. The summary contains official genetic
evaluations from the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB) and the American Jersey Cattle Association (AJCA). These are continuously published online
for your viewing and are downloadable using the link below. Reports for genomic evaluations of young bulls and females are updated the first Tuesday of
each month.
© 2021 - American Jersey Cattle Association