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NAAB Animal Name and Female Genomic Evaluation Files


AJCA Name File, April 2021


Excel (csv)

Name File: Animals with JX prefix and animals under 20 years of age with names longer than 30 characters. Updated monthly.

pdficon_large.gif    xlsicon_large.gif


Female Genomic Evaluation Files (new CDCB formats)

Issue Date: 3/2/2021


Zip Format


Animals: 525,324

Data Rows: 28,367,496



Animals: 525,324

Data Rows: 26,266,200



Learn more about the April 2019 genetic summaries with the first multi-breed evaluations.

Learn about Jersey Performance Index including Jersey-specific Body Weight Composite, implemented December 2017.

Dairy Industry Cooperators

Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding

National Association of Animal Breeders

National Dairy Herd Information Association

Dairy Records Processing Centers:  DRMS, Raleigh, NC; AgriTech Analytics, Visalia, CA; DHI Computing Service, Provo, UT; AgSource Cooperative Services, Verona, WI